• Community Oversight Committee Annual Reports
  • Independent Financial Reports
  • TAM Annual Budgets
  • Quarterly Financial Reports
  • Compensation
  • TAM Annual Reports
  • Measure A/AA Compliance Audit Reports

Quarterly Financial Reports

Note: Please refer to the Independent Financial Report section for the Fourth Quarter Financial Report of FY.

FY2024-25 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter

FY2023-24 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2022-23 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2021-22 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2020-21 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2019-20 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2018-19 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2017-18 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2016-17 Quarterly Financial Reports: First QuarterSecond QuarterThird Quarter

FY2015-16 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2014-15 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2013-14 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2012-13 Quarterly Financial Reports: First QuarterSecond Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2011-12 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2010-11 Quarterly Financial Reports: First QuarterSecond Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2009-10 Quarterly Financial Reports: First QuarterSecond Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2008-09 Quarterly Financial Reports: First QuarterSecond Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2007-08 Quarterly Financial Reports: First Quarter, Second Quarter, Third Quarter

FY2006-07 Quarterly Financial Reports: First and Second Quarters, Third Quarter








Local Government Compensation Report

Transportation Authority of Marin’s Local Government Compensation Report, as reported to the State Controller’s Office, is printable and downloadable in accordance with Assembly Bill No. 2040 (AB 2040). Per AB 2040, local agencies are required to either post the report on their website or provide a link to the State Controller’s Office website.

Measure A Compliance Audit Reports

FY2023-24: Marin Transit, City of San Rafael, Town of Corte Madera, Parametrix, ACMS, Town of Ross

FY2022-23: City of Mill Valley, Town of Fairfax, City of Larkspur, Town of Tiburon, Marin Transit, HNTB

FY2021-22: City of Mill Valley, Town of San Anselmo, City of San Rafael, County of Marin, Marin Transit, All City Management Services

FY2020-21: City of Belvedere, Town of Corte Madera, City of San Rafael, Marin Transit, Parisi Transportation Consulting

FY2019-20: City of Novato, Town of Ross, Town of Tiburon, County of Marin, Marin Transit, All City Management Services

FY2018-19: City of San Rafael, City of Sausalito, Town of Fairfax, County of Marin, Marin Transit

FY2017-18: City of Mill Valley, City of Novato, Town of Ross, Marin Transit, All City Management Services, Parisi Transportation Consulting

FY2016-17: Town of Corte Madera, Town of San Anselmo, Town of Fairfax, County of Marin, Marin Transit

FY2015-16: City of Belvedere, Town of Tiburon, County of Marin, Marin Transit, All City Management Services

FY2014-15:  City of Novato, City of San Rafael, County of Marin, Marin TransitAmerican Guard Services, Parisi Associates

FY2013-14: City of Mill Valley, City of Sausalito, Town of Fairfax, Town of RossTown of San Anselmo, Marin Transit

FY2012-13: City of Corte Madera, City of San Rafael, City of Sausalito, Town of TiburonCounty of Marin, Marin Transit, American Guard Services Inc.

FY2011-12: City of Larkspur, City of Novato, City of Belvedere, Town of RossCounty of Marin, Marin Transit, Nolte Associates Inc., Parisi Associates Inc.

FY2010-11: City of Corte Madera, City of Mill Valley, City of Novato, City of San RafaelTown of San Anselmo, Marin Transit, American Guard Services Inc.