TAM Traveler - December 2019 Newsletter
Check out TAM’s December newsletter! Read about the new carpool lanes open at the Marin-Sonoma Narrows, the Richmond-San Rafael bike path grand opening, electric vehicle group discount, Marin Transit proposed fare changes, progress on the Third Street project in San Rafael and take SFCTA’s survey about your experience with traffic congestion in San Francisco.

TAM Traveler - November 2019 Newsletter
Read the November edition of the TAM Traveler! Read about the Crossing Guard of the Year, $6.6m for safe pathways and bike/ped improvements, the Grand Opening of the RSR Bridge bike/ped path, the Marin-Sonoma Narrows, the new Congestion Management Plan, the Marin Commutes campaign, MTC’s interactive planning game Mayor of Bayville and new means-based fares on Golden Gate Transit.

TAM Traveler - Sept./Oct. 2019 Newsletter
Check out TAM’s September/October newsletter! Read about TAM’s New Executive Director, Marin Commutes fall promotion, Safe Routes to Schools and International Walk to School Day, Marin-Sonoma Narrows new bike/ped path, the regional FASTER initiative, the SMART strategic plan and the recent E-vehicle and E-bike test ride event.

Marin-Sonoma Narrows - Final Segment in Sonoma Groundbreaking!
Sonoma County Transportation Authority and Caltrans hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for the final segment of construction in Sonoma for the Marin-Sonoma Narrows project. This is a key milestone for the project that will widen approximately 17 miles of US 101 adding carpool lanes in each direction, from Route 37 in Novato (Marin County) to Old Redwood Highway in Petaluma (Sonoma County). Marin County has one final segment that is under design and is seeking funding with an aim to begin construction in summer/fall 2020.

TAM Traveler - August 2019 Newsletter
Check out TAM’s August newsletter! Read about Bike to the Ballpark for Pacifics baseball, the NB101-EB-580 Direct Connector project, Major Roads project progress on Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Novato Blvd., and 3rd Street in San Rafael, Golden Gate Transit Real-Time arrival information with Transit App, and Trips for Kids Marin.

Meet TAM's New Executive Director, Anne Richman
The Transportation Authority of Marin is pleased to welcome Anne Richman as the agency’s new Executive Director. On September 26, the TAM Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the contract to bring Anne on-board to lead TAM. Anne, a Marin County resident, brings nearly 20 years of local transportation experience, with over 12 years a the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and 7 years with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency.

Caltrans Ramp Metering Construction on NB101 Underway
In April 2019, Caltrans started installing ramp metering equipment and associated Traffic Operations Systems along northbound US-101 from the Golden Gate Bridge to Sir Francis Drake Boulevard in Larkspur. Click to view the Caltrans Advisory.

Local Funding Jump Starts NB101-EB580 Direct Connector
The TAM Board approved funding to initiate the project to build a direct freeway connection between northbound US-101 and eastbound I-580 to access the Richmond-San Rafael (RSR) Bridge and widen I-580 eastbound to three lanes between the new connector and the RSR Bridge.

TAM Traveler - May/June 2019 Newsletter
Check out TAM’s May newsletter! Read about the Marin Commutes program spring promotion, May Madness Electric Vehicle test drive, San Anselmo’s new Ebike, Bike to Work Day, Richmond-San Rafael Bridge joint repair project, and the MTC/ABAG Horizon effort and Plan Bay Area 2050.

TAM Traveler - June/July Newsletter
Check out TAM’s June/July newsletter! Read about $6.2 million distributed to cities and towns for local transportation improvements, Marin-Sonoma narrows update, $10m approved by the CTC for SR37, SMART expansion to Larkspur, the New Grand Ave. Bridge in San Rafael, Free Transit to the Marin County Fair and sign-up for Alert Marin.

TAM Traveler - March/April 2019 Newsletter
Check out TAM’s March/April newsletter! Read about the the new Grand Ave. Bridge in San Rafael, Ramp Metering construction in Marin, Richmond-San Rafael Bridge update, new crossing guard locations, MTC Horizon effort and new Executive Director, and upcoming bike to work and bike to school promotions!

Oversight and Audits Ensure Transparency and Verify Proper use of Public Funds
1/31/19: The Transportation Authority of Marin’s Citizens’ Oversight Committee (COC) released their 14th Annual Report highlighting TAM projects and programs and documenting that public funds are being spent in accordance with the directives from Marin County voters.

TAM Presentation to Marin Coalition - April 2019
Check out TAM’s Presentation to the Marin Coalition on April 3, 2019. Topics covered include an overview of local, regional and state funding, an update on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge and the status of State Route 37 short and long-term solutions.

Marin-Sonoma Narrows - New San Antonio Creek Bridge Opening to Motorists
1/24/18: Southbound traffic on Highway 101 will soon be able to use the new San Antonio Creek Bridge as progress continues on the Marin-Sonoma Narrows project.

Improvements to Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Between Ross and Highway 101 Planned
1/24/18: Improvements are being planned on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard between the Town of Ross and Highway 101 to help improve safety and ease congestion.
Improvements to Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Between Ross and Highway 101 Planned
1/24/18: Improvements are being planned on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard between the Town of Ross and Highway 101 to help improve safety and ease congestion.

Regional Measure 3 - A New Way to Fund Important Marin County Projects
1/24/18: Regional Measure 3 (or RM 3) is a new way to fund significant transportation projects in the nine-county Bay Area, including important projects in Marin County.

3rd Lane on Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Expected to Open in April
1/24/18: Construction of the new 3rd lane on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge nears completion as testing of the new lane configurations begins.

East Sir Francis Drake Improvements - Helping You Get to the Future 3rd Lane
1/24/18: Construction nears completion on East Sir Francis Drake Boulevard approaching the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge in preparation of the 3rd lane opening eastbound on the span.

Expenditure Plan Advisory Committee Presents Plan to Maintain Local Funding Sources for Marin-Specific Projects and Programs
12/12/17: TAM’s Expenditure Plan Advisory Committee provides recommendations for maintaining funding for local projects and programs.

Transportation Sales Tax Dollars at Work with Miller Avenue Major Roadway Improvements!
In November, 2017 the City of Mill Valley completed work on this $18M streetscape project, paid for in part with Measure A funding.

TAM-SCTA Awarded $826,000 Grant to Initiate Bikeshare!
Approximately 200 “dockless” bikes to be deployed around Marin and Sonoma County SMART stations in 2018-2019.

Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Rehabilitation Project (Highway 101 to Ross Town Limit)
For details, read more published in the Marin Independent Journal on October 16, 2017.

Highway 37 Improvement Plan - Open Houses
Attend one of four informational Open Houses through October 2, 2017 to understand planned access and safety improvements along Highway 37.

Crossing Guard of the Year - Thomas Holmes!
TAM Celebrates Crossing Guard of the Year from Reed Elementary School – Thomas Holmes

Draft Strategic Vision Plan - Review Period until 9/22
TAM is pleased to release a draft of the Strategic Vision Plan for your review!

Coming Soon! $5-discount on Lyft to/from SMART Stations
TAM Partners with Lyft on “GETSMART17” a $5-discount for Lyft Line to/from SMART Stations in Marin.

Regional Measure 3
Regional Measure 3: Bay Area Toll Increase to be considered by CA State legislature and Bay Area voters.

Bicycle Fixit Stations
TAM installs Bicycle Fixit Stations – Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Wednesday, May 10 at 3:00 p.m. Pickleweed Park.

Tam Junction Bike/Ped Improvements Project Begins!
The Tam Junction Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement project will begin constructing bike lanes.

Public Agencies get a Boost from TAM to Support Electric Vehicles
TAM’s program continues to provide rebates for public agencies to install electric charging stations and convert to clean fuel fleet vehicle.

Marin Transit Electric Buses
TAM has committed $75,000 to support purchase of electric buses and associated infrastructure in Marin County to further efforts to reduce emissions, fuel consumption and support and promote a clean climate future.

Smart Station EV Infrastructure Support
SMART Station EV Infrastructure Support: TAM has committed $35,000 for the design and installation of EV charging stations at the two Novato SMART Stations.

TAM Updated Schedule of Meetings
TAM is pleased to provide an updated meeting calendar of our Board and Executive Committee meetings through 2016.

TAM Directs $82,000 to Help Buy Open Space in Sausalito
TAM Directs $82,000 to Help Buy Open Space in Sausalito. As part of environmental mitigation, TAM has contributed $82,000 and enable the purchase and preservation of land in the Sausalito hills.

MTC Holds Open Houses Dec 8 & 9 on Richmond-San Rafael Corridor Projects
SAN FRANCISCO, November 29, 2016 . . . The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), Caltrans, the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) and the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) invite the public to a pair of open houses in Richmond on Thursday, Dec. 8, 2016.

State Route (SR) 37 Policy Committee Update
The SR 37 Policy Committee is a multi-county committee with policy makers participating from Marin, Napa, Sonoma and Solano counties. The SR 37 Policy Committee was formed to discuss joint county efforts in improving the SR 37 Corridor.