In 2015, TAM began the development of the TAM Strategic Vision Plan, to update a transportation vision for Marin County first developed in 2003, and to respond to growing mobility challenges in Marin County.
In 2003 a guiding document was created, Marin County’s Transportation Vision Plan, titled Moving Forward: A 25-Year Transportation Vision for Marin County, developed by the County. Based on extensive community input and dialogue, and detailed studies of a variety of different transportation plans, this plan outlines a comprehensive set of options that reflect the opinions of the community about how to help control traffic congestion over the next 25 years. This document is still relevant as a basis for our goals and strategies and is being built upon as we move forward to develop an updated Vision for Marin’s transportation future.
Strategic Vision Plan
In 2015, TAM began the development of the Strategic Vision Plan to build consensus on how to address our transportation and mobility challenges in Marin County. As a consensus building document, the development of the plan is informed by extensive community input and dialogue, with two rounds of public outreach to assess, projects, priorities and values that reflect the opinions of the community and desires to improve our transportation network.
After a successful first round of public outreach in the summer of 2015, in fall 2016 TAM developed a website ( and public survey to understand the values that inform the transportation decisions that are made by the hundreds of thousands of daily users of our roads, transit systems, and bike and pedestrian facilities around the county. Along with our local cities and towns, transit operators and the county of Marin, TAM is in developing a draft vision to be released in early 2017 that reflects these values within the framework of growing transportation needs and increasing mobility challenges.
TAM has released a draft Strategic Vision Plan and is accepting comments through September 22, 2017.
This Plan is fully funded with local TAM funding sources.