Date: 6/22/2017 7:00 PM
Marin County Civic Center
3501 Civic Center Drive, Room 330
San Rafael, California 94903
Read the Approved Minutes for this Meeting
Watch this meeting at 7:00 p.m. on June 22
Review the Agenda Packet
Item 1 | Chair’s Report (Discussion) |
Item 2 | Commissioner Matters Not on the Agenda (Discussion)
Item 3 | Executive Director’s Report (Discussion)
a. Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Third Lane and Multi-Use Path Report
b. Look Ahead Report – Attachment |
Item 4 | Commissioner Reports (Discussion)
a. MTC Report - Commissioner Connolly
b. Marin Transit Report - Commissioner Rice
c. SMART- Vice-Chair Arnold |
Item 5 | Open time for public expression, up to three minutes per speaker, on items not on the Board of Commissioners’ Agenda. (While members of the public are welcome to address the Board, under the Brown Act, Board members may not deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda, and generally may only listen.)
Item 6 | 6. CONSENT CALENDAR (Action)
a. Approve TAM Board Meeting Minutes June 22, 2017
b. Authorize San Rafael to exchange Transportation Sales Tax (Measure A) Funds from the Grand A venue Bridge Project with One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Funds from the Francisco Boulevard West Multi-Use Path
c. Allocate Transportation Sales Tax (Measure A) to Marin County for the Sir Francis Drake Rehabilitation Project in West Marin
d. Update Revenue Projections for the Measure A Strategic Plan
e. Allocate Transportation Sales Tax (Measure A) Funds from Strategy 3.2 and Reserve Funds for Local Road and Related Infrastructure Projects
f. Appointments to the Citizens' Oversight Committee
g. Contract Addendum for Crossing Guard Services
h. Changes to Crossing Guard Program Location Scoring Methodology
i. Contract Award Street Smarts Banner Installation
j. TAM Strategic Vision Plan Contract Extension
k. Authorize One-Year Contract Extension for Safe Routes to School Program
l. Approve Funding Agreement with the City of Larkspur for the East Sir Francis Drake Blvd Project Approaching the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge
m. Review and Acceptance of 2017 Measure A Half-cent Transportation Sales Tax Compliance Audit Selection ListResolution of Appreciation to Assemblyman Jim Frazier and Senator Jim Beall for their sponsorship of AB 1 and SB 1, which created substantial funds to address transportation needs in California, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017
n. Resolution of Appreciation to Assemblyman Jim Frazier and Senator Jim Beall for their sponsorship of AB1 and SB1, which created substantial funds to address transportation needs in California, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 |
Item 7 | a. State Legislative Update and Adopt Position on Senate Bill (SB) 86 (Action) Attachment
b. Update on Implementation of SB 1 (Discussion) |
Item 8 | Assessment of Crossing Guard Program (Action) - Attachment |
Item 9 | Marin Transit
a. Marin Transit's Annual Presentation (Discussion) - Attachment
b. Allocate FY 17 /18 Measure A Transportation Sales Tax Funds to Marin Transit (Action) -Attachment
c. Allocate FY 17/18 Vehicle Registration Fee (Measure B) Funds to Marin Transit (Action) - Attachment
Item 10 | Commute Alternatives Program Update (Action) -Attachment |
Item 11 | Caltrans Report (Discussion) |
View Supplemental Information Packet (Posted June 23, 2017 unless otherwise noted)