Our roads can only handle so much traffic, no matter how many improvements we make. If we can modify our own habits, even just once a week, we can help make the commute better for everyone. Finding alternatives to driving solo to work helps improve our community by decreasing both traffic congestion and greenhouse gas and other toxic emissions.
For the most up-to-date information, visit the Marin Commutes website.

By taking transit, you save money on gas, parking and car maintenance—and driving stress. Discounts may be available for youth, disabled riders and those aged 65+, so be sure to check with each transit provider.
Marin Transit: Get information on finding the closest bus stop and real-time bus arrival, or visit www.511.org for help planning your route and to find schedules, maps and fares.
Park & Ride lots: Park your car for free and complete your commute by bus or carpool. Buses are equipped with bike racks, so you can also combine biking and riding.
Golden Gate Ferry: Take a ferry from Larkspur and Sausalito to/from San Francisco. This is one of the most unique and beautiful commutes in the Bay Area – and they also have a full bar!
Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART): Catch the commuter train along the 101 corridor. The initial segment runs from northern Santa Rosa at Guerneville Road to Larkspur, stopping in downtown Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Cotati, Petaluma, northern and southern Novato, and Marin Civic Center and Downtown San Rafael. Eventually the train service will run from Cloverdale to the Larkspur Ferry Terminal.

A vanpool is typically a group of seven or more commuters who share the ride and travel costs by leasing a van or using a personal van or SUV that seats seven. Vanpooling benefits may include discounted parking permits for the van, free bridge tolls and additional employer benefits.
You can start your own vanpool or join an existing vanpool. New vanpools may be eligible for TAM’s $3,600 incentive, distributed at $150/month over a two-year period.
Vanpools must meet eligibility requirements such as have an origin or destination in Marin County.

Biking or walking to work (even part of the way or on some days) incorporates exercise into your commute. Check out the Marin County Bicycle Coalition for bicycle route information as well as bicycle policies and regulations. In addition, more information about walking and biking in Marin is available at WalkBikeMarin

Carpooling can be a smart option for a small group of people who live and work near one another. You can cut your daily commuting costs by 50% and save wear-and-tear on your vehicle and yourself.
Carpooling can save you time and money by using the carpool lane and sharing commute costs.
There is app-based software to help you share the ride. Check out the App Store on your smartphone for carpool-matching options like Waze and Scoop that can help you catch a ride with your neighbor. To learn more, click here.
The 511 RideMatch System also offers a program to help you find partners, calculate your savings in both dollars and carbon emissions, and give you a chance to win prizes!
Park & Ride: If you need to meet up with a carpool, you can park your car for free at a Park & Ride lot. To find out more, visit 511’s Park and Ride lot map.