This meeting will be held in‐person and via Zoom webinar.
Watch the live meeting on Zoom:
Webinar ID: 881 5544 9529
Passcode: 389590
Teleconference: Members of the public wishing to participate via teleconference, may do so by dialing in to the following number at 6:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting: +1 669 900 6833; Access Code: 881 5544 9529; Password: 389590
How to provide public comment (limited to 2 minutes or less):
Before the meeting: Please email your comments to, no later than 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting, to facilitate timely distribution to Board members. Please include the agenda item number you are addressing and your name and address. Your comments will be forwarded to the TAM Board members and will be placed into the public record.
During the meeting: For members of the public participating in-person, the Board Chair will recognize persons from the audience who wish to address the Board during public open time or on a particular agenda item at the time that item is considered by the Board.
If watching this meeting online, click the “raise hand” feature in the webinar controls. This will notify TAM staff that you would like to comment. If participating by phone, “raise hand” by pressing *9 and wait to be called upon by the Chair or the Clerk. You will be asked to unmute your device when it is your turn to speak and your comments will become part of the public record.