Tam Junction Bike/Ped Improvements Project
Construction Advisory
Construction – Late August to October
The Tam Junction Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement project will construct bike lanes on both sides of Shoreline Highway from Flamingo Avenue to the Coyote Creek Bridge. Bike lanes will also be constructed along both sides of Almonte Boulevard from Tam Junction to Helen Avenue to connect to the existing bike lanes.
The project also includes:
Drainage improvements at the Almonte Boulevard and Shoreline Highway intersection to help improve periodic flooding
- Sidewalk and curb improvements at the intersection
- A new retaining wall along a portion of westbound Shoreline Highway
- Utility relocation and
- Relocation of the existing delineators at Tam Junction
Construction Details:
Night Work: Shoreline Highway is a Caltrans roadway and all work must be performed at night, due to lane closures, heavy daily traffic volume and worker safety.
Lane Closures: Intermittent lane closures will occur only at night, as needed.
Work Days and Hours: Sunday night through Thursday night, 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., for approximately 3 months
Parking: Parking will be restricted at night only at locations where the contractor is working. Contractor will give a 72 hour notice for parking restrictions.
Pedestrian Access and Business Access: Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times, and there will not be any impacts to businesses during daytime business hours.
Week of Aug 14 | 1. | Biologists will perform pre-construction surveys within the entire project limits as a requirement of the Caltrans encroachment permit. |
Week of Aug 21 |
2. | As part of pre-construction activities, the contractor will be performing exploratory underground utility verification within the Tam Junction intersection along eastern edge of Shoreline Highway. |
Week of Aug 28 |
3. | Concrete removal and new sidewalk, curb & gutter will be installed along Almonte Avenue south of Helen Ave and along northwestern corner of the Tam Junction intersection. |
4. | New concrete curb ramp, curb & gutter will be installed on southwest corner of Tam Junction. | |
Week of Sept 18 | 5. | Construct retaining wall along the northern side of Shoreline Highway. |
Crews will conduct exploratory underground utility verification (Item #2) in order to finalize the design for drainage improvements along the northeastern edge of Tam Junction. Drainage improvements will be followed by final roadway paving and striping.
Schedule updates will be provided as they become available. The project will have a full-time on-site Construction Manager / Inspector from 4LEAF, Inc., while the contractor is working.
Email: [email protected]
Day Contact: (415) 226-0822 or 0829
Night Contact During Construction: (775) 232-4164